Planned Programme of Work
The COVID-19 Evaluation’s programme of work will be approached in a phased manner, aligned with the Terms of Reference to:
The overall approach to the Evaluation will be open, iterative and collaborative.
The aim of the Evaluation is to develop a clear systemic understanding of how the Government, its departments and agencies, managed the pandemic. This will be enhanced through a focus on performance and impacts, to inform learnings. Central to this approach is a holistic understanding of people’s experiences and how the pandemic impacted their lives. Consideration of trade-offs, including long-term versus short-term impacts, will help illuminate decision-making outcomes.
The phased programme of work will commence with a whole-system review of structures, frameworks and processes, through documentary analysis. This will involve reviewing plans, reports and relevant work undertaken across Government, and internationally, to examine diverse aspects of the overall response. This will be followed by necessary direct engagement with key decision-makers. This will allow the Panel to identify strengths and weaknesses and related alternatives or better approaches.
In identifying lessons learned, early work will harness existing national and international publicly available research and reports. Consultation and engagement will provide valuable input, including how individuals, families, communities, businesses, and frontline workers were impacted. How different groups in society may have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic will be an important area of exploration.
There will be a stand-alone module of work to examine the response to COVID-19 in long-term residential care facilities for older persons. This module will draw learnings from documentary analysis and information gathering, building on the report and implementation of the Expert Panel on Nursing Homes. Crucially this will be coupled with consultation and engagement, exploring personal experiences, including that of bereaved families. Separating this module enables an in-depth focus, given the importance of the nursing homes pandemic experience.
Recommendations will draw on the totality of the Evaluation Panel’s work, along with best practices, to arrive at guiding principles and approaches. This will help ensure strengthened levels of preparedness should emergencies of this magnitude arise in the future.